It's always summer in our brewing hall


Have you ever visited our brewery? You might have noticed that it’s nice and warm in the brewing hall. During every tour, visitors will open their jackets, take off their scarves and desperately try to catch a breeze.

Rising temperature

Brewing is a boiling process. And just like the temperature rises in your home when you’re cooking, the barometer in the brewing hall rises during the entire brewing process. Pretty convenient, since we never have to turn on the heating, not even when it’s really cold outside. In summer, the heat sometimes is a little less comfortable, especially for our employees, but we always make sure to supply them with plenty of soda and water. And the visitors? They’re offered a cool drink from our assortment once the tour has ended.

No energy loss

Our brewing kettles are very well insulated. Because the faster a brewing kettle reaches the correct temperature, the less energy we use. In order to re-use the excess heat, we are constantly looking for new ways to recycle this heat.